I conducted a study during my student teaching internship to assess if games can reinforce learning and help students better retain

Analysis of My Findings

My study on the elementary level did not align with my predictions.  Unlike my findings, the study conducted by Vanderbilt University and published in the Journal of Learning Sciences, found that learning through games improved test stores, heightened engagement, improved attention spans, and proved to have a lasting impact on student performance and classroom engagement, (p. 1).  I do agree that students did have a heightened engagement,  improved attention spans and were motivated to learn, however they did not enjoy creating the games nor did their test scores improve drastically. Games can help to establish a positive atmosphere where students cooperate and work together, they are more successful if a large workload is not required in the creation of the game.  

After conducting my research, I believe a hybrid class would be most beneficial for student learning.  A hybrid class would allow students to gain a strong foundation through traditional instruction, and develop a deeper understanding through games and interactive activities.  In addition, following this learning with projects that utilize their newfound knowledge would reignite their learning, and support students toward obtaining long-term retention of the content.

Even though my research yielded unexpected results, I do believe that games can reinforce learning and help students retain information.  However, my research has shown that game-based learning is more effective when used in combination with traditional instruction.  Students appear to learn best when they are immersed in a well-rounded learning environment.  PowerPoints, discussions, and note taking allow students to develop a foundation for content learning.  The interactive activities and games played can help reinforce their learning and understand the content on a multitude of levels.  Every student learns differently and it is important for instruction to support the learning needs of each student.  In addition, if the research was followed by art projects incorporating their newfound knowledge, then the chances of long-term retention would be greater.